
We invite you to contribute to our community by sharing your research and insights into the fields of AI, including Machine Learning, Computer Vision, NLP, Robotics, and Computer Science. Please review our guidelines below and submit your piece through our brief submission form. Should you have any inquiries or require further assistance, reach out to our editorial team at

Author Guidelines


The MBZUAI Research Blog is dedicated to presenting groundbreaking research and developments in AI. We primarily focus on original research conducted by members of the MBZUAI community. While tutorials and surveys on specific AI topics are welcome, we anticipate a larger share of posts will detail original research findings.

The content should cater to an audience with a foundational understanding of machine learning and AI concepts. For more specialized areas, authors are expected to provide the necessary background and context to make the content accessible and engaging.


We encourage authors to contribute posts that detail their research work, insights, and reflections on the AI field. We are looking for original content that stimulates discussion and offers fresh perspectives on AI’s challenges and opportunities.


  1. Initial Contact: If you’re interested in contributing, please send us an abstract or a brief description of your proposed post.
  2. Editorial Collaboration: Upon acceptance, a primary editor will be assigned to guide you through the writing process and provide the necessary support.
  3. Review and Feedback: Before publication, your draft will be reviewed, and you’ll be asked to incorporate feedback to ensure the highest quality and clarity.
  4. Publication: Once finalized, your post will be published on the MBZUAI Research Blog. We encourage you to share your published work across your networks, and we’ll also promote it through our channels.


Posts should typically range from 1000—3000 words, approximately 7—21 minutes of reading time. We value clarity, conciseness, and the ability to engage a broad academic audience. While there is no strict format, each post should include:

  • A compelling title
  • An engaging introduction setting up the problem and context
  • A clear explanation of your approach and results
  • Well-organized subsections for longer posts
  • Adequate citations and hyperlinks to relevant work
  • Visual aids such as charts, graphs, or animations to enhance understanding and engagement


The MBZUAI Research Blog is less formal than traditional academic papers. We encourage a conversational tone, aiming to explain complex ideas intuitively. Creativity is welcome, especially in using visual and interactive elements to communicate your message effectively. Remember, while we encourage a relaxed and engaging style, all content should maintain academic integrity and objectivity.


All posts will include the following disclaimer: “All opinions expressed in this post are those of the author and do not represent the views of MBZUAI.”

For reference and inspiration, consider looking at similar blogs from leading AI institutions and organizations, such as:

Submit Your Contribution

Ready to share your insights with the world? Submit your blog post idea or draft through our submission form below. For any feedback, questions or further information, contact our editorial team at


Disclaimer: All views and opinions expressed in these posts are those of the author(s) and do not represent the views of MBZUAI.

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